In a world that constantly tries to pit us against each other, we’ve got to remember the sacred bond between girlfriends. No boy will ever be able to relate to us, or uplift us, in the way we can with each other. After all, we experienced all the awkward moments of growing up almost identically. From having our first embarrassing crush on Robert Pattinson (who didn’t?) , to never being allowed to go to each others houses for sleepovers; there was an infinite amount of boy drama, planning for the future, getting over insecurities, and laughing. Sisterhood is more than just being friends with other girls — it’s knowing that girls out there need to have each others back. When women come forward with stories, we need to believe them. When other girls get more opportunities are work than you, we need to celebrate them! Sisterhood is about support, and it’s a closely guarded framework. These are the rules you need to follow in order to be a better friend!
1. Sisters Before Misters: Period.
It’s the first and most basic rule of every female friendship – always keep your girl before any boy, no matter how cute. Boys are a dime a dozen, but your girlfriends are irreplaceable. If they don’t get along with them, get bad vibes, or worst case: also have a crush on them, it’s best to step back. Even once you’ve found your Mr Right, it’s your best friend that has to take precedence. She’s been there for you through thick and thin, and no boy can say as much.

2. Her Secrets = Your Secrets
What she shares with you, stays with you! The world wants us to believe girls are catty and disloyal — but that’s not a true stereotype. Good girlfriends will take each others secrets to the grave. If your friend trusts you with her deepest secrets, never break her trust. Whether your friendship lasts or not, she shouldn’t ever worry about you revealing her secrets. The same goes for hearing something about a girl you don’t know well — shut down rumours, even if you don’t know them. You wouldn’t want them same happening to you.

3. Rescue Them When They Need It
Whenever you see a girl that’s being followed, teased, or just looks uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to reach out to her. We’ve got to look out for each other in a world full of creeps. Bad guys prey on girls when they’re alone, so offer yourself up as a friend even if she’s a stranger. Act like you know her, and but whisk her away from the situation. This also goes for girls that don’t know they’re talking to men who don’t have the best intentions — take them aside and make them aware.

4. Don’t Gossip
This should be a general rule in life, but it especially goes for women. Anything you say about another girl, gives the people license to think it’s okay to tall about all girls the same way. If you wouldn’t like what you’re saying said about yourself, don’t say it about anyone else.

5. Be Her Biggest Cheerleader
Support is more than just being sympathetic to your girls — it’s celebrating with them during their happiest moments. It’s showing them you’re someone who truly wants the best for them. From big achievements like getting their dream job, to smaller ones like not cheating on their diet – raise them up. Nothing’s better than having a friend who celebrates your achievements like their own.

6. Be There For Her
Listening is the simplest gesture, but the most important. We all need a shoulder to cry on sometimes. One that doesn’t judge, offer advice, or talk about themselves. It just helps knowing they’re there for you. Listen to them patiently.

7. Be Her Fashion Critic
A best friend will never let you go out looking like a fashion disaster. Don’t be rude, but be straight up — don’t let your friend go out with lipstick on her teeth, or the wrong outfit. She’ll always be grateful for your honesty.

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