7 Ways You’re Ruining Your Expensive Denim Pants

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A good pair of jeans are hard to find — the sturdy cotton and the deep indigo blue dye take meticulous workmanship to put together. Understandably, they also cost a high price, but that’s something we’re willing to pay for an every day staple. You might know how to spot a quality pair of jeans, but we’d bet you’re not great at keeping them in great condition. It’s trickier than you think! Following a few basic denim principles can have your jeans lasting decades, but neglecting them, you’re looking at a hefty loss every few months. Are you making these mistakes? Read and check if you’re in the midst of a denim disaster!

1. Washing Too Often

It might seem natural to wash your clothes after every wear, but that doesn’t apply to jeans. You wear this garment daily, but you can’t wash it as much without ruining them. The less you wash your denim, the less likely you are to ruin the quality and fade out the wash. Wash a new pair of jeans after the first wear, and after every five or six wears. They’ll last much longer this way.

2. Wearing The Wrong Size

Denim is much more complex than other fabrics. Jeans are mean’t to be snug in the right places, and exactly your size. Jeans that are too long, for example, will heap around your ankles. Jeans have a habit of moulding to your body after consistent use, and can even stretch by up to two sizes. Buying a loose pair to begin with result in having jeans way baggier than you bargained for. Always buy a pair of jeans that perfectly fit you, and break into them.

3. Storing Them Wrong

Are you hanging your jeans in the closet with the rest of your clothes? Then you probably don’t love your jeans as much as you claim. Jeans are supposed to be folded. Keeping them folded prevents creasing, and maintains their shape. Little effort goes a long way in this case.

4. Not Washing By Hand

The first rule of raw denim – never toss it in the washing machine. The colour of denim pants is likely to fade much faster in a washing machine. Not only does it cause colour bleeding, but the rough tumble can also stretch out the fabric, causing unnecessary wear and tear. Gently wash and soak your jeans instead. 

5. Not Using A Steamer

Washing your jeans isn’t the only way to keep them clean. If you don’t have the time to wash them by hand, and don’t want to ruin their quality by sacrificing them to the washing machine, steam them! It’ll instantly get rid of any creasing, and steaming also leaves them with a nice scent.

6. Overfilling Your Pockets

On days when you plan to ditch your handbag, your heavy jean pockets have to suffer. Lipsticks, bankcards, cell phones – we stuff them all into our pockets. This simple offence leaves marks, and distorts the fabric permanently. It also causes them to tear in the areas they’re experiencing the most pressure.

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