7 Halal Makeup Brands Every Muslim Woman Should Know About

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What’s a girl to do when her makeup doesn’t comply with her religion? We can’t wipe off a face of makeup every time we need to do wudhu — but that’s exactly what we’re forced to do. Thankfully, makeup brands are catching up with our needs. Inclusive, halal, cruelty free makeup is slowly making its way through the beauty world. Halal-certified brands offer products that are free from animal derived ingredients and alcohol — a dream come true for Muslim beauty buffs everywhere! That doesn’t mean every single one of those brands are worth your money. We’ve got you covered with the most credible halal makeup brands. Take a look!

1. INIKA Organic

This Australia-based beauty brand has been making waves since 2006. INIKA Organic is not only certified halal, but all its products are organic, vegan, cruelty-free and ethically sourced. All these certifications prove that the renowned brand doesn’t compromise on its values, or its quality.  If that wasn’t impressive enough, their wide range of foundations cater to all skin tones! They really mean it when they say inclusivity.


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2. Claudia Nour

Claudia Nour, a Latina Muslim, felt the need for halal products in the beauty industry from her own personal experience. Like a true boss, she didn’t wait for someone to cater to her needs — she went out and got it done herself. She introduced her own certified halal skincare and makeup brand! All the products are free from alcohol, gelatine and carmine, which mean you can use them stress free.


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3. 786 Cosmetics 

786 Cosmetics is a beauty brand that specialises in halal certified nail polishes. The brand offers a wide range of nail colours, each inspired by the beauty of a specific city. Besides being halal, the brand is cruelty-free, completely vegan and easily available in Pakistan!


CeraVe Pakistan is a worldwide brand that is famous for its fantastic products. From facial cleansers to serums, this brand offers a wide of skincare products that are 100% halal.  Besides being halal, all their products provide three essential ceramides that help regrow your skin cells and protect the skin’s natural barrier.

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This Malaysian brand was founded by siblings Dahlia, Nadirah and Luqman Hakim, with the aim of introducing affordable, but high quality makeup. The brand offers an impressive range of products in different shades. 


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6. Masarrat Misbah

Masarrat Misbah is a local brand, and the first halal certified makeup brand in Pakistan. The products are specially made bearing in mind the needs and skin tones of Pakistani women. Known for their silk foundations, the brand also offers a vast variety of liquid lipsticks and lash volumizers. Happy shopping! 


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7. J. Makeup 

The leading clothing brand J. collaborated with halal-certified makeup brand NOTE Cosmetics and brought halal, cruelty free makeup to Pakistan. The brand offers an array of lip, eye, and face products, all of which complement Pakistani skin tones. You can’t go wrong with this tried and tested brand.

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