Our Number 1 Question At Aurat March: What Has Made You Feel The Most Empowered?

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Aurat March took place on 8th March, International Women’s Day. It was hard to miss. The day was bursting at the seams with energy – the radical kind of energy that we’re not used to witnessing. Led by Sheema Kirmani’s resounding voice, every woman there held their hand made posters and signs up proud for the world to see. As we collectively heard the stories of other women; their stories of abuse and hardship, and unrelenting desire for immediate change, there was a palpable shift in the air. If empowerment were a feeling, it was in the air at the march. We asked some of these women a simple but important question: what has made, or makes you feel, the most empowered? Watch the video below to see what they had to say!

Special thanks to Amina Tahir, founder of Poor Acne Scars and The Breakfast for covering Aurat March Lahore for us.

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