It’s important to have a balanced diet to fuel yourself effectively throughout the day!
You need complex carbs. Something that breaks down slowly throughout the day so it keeps you energized, granola, whole grain foods help here. You also need proteins, so eggs are a good option. As is yogurt, which helps with water retention. Avoid anything too sugary because that will break down really fast. Water is also important, you need to stay hydrated throughout the day, and yogurt and bananas need help with that. -@nusairteli
Call me crazy butttttttttttt paratha dahi and chai! a girl’s gotta fuel up for the day bruh – @ufaqashfaque
Start with plain water. Whole wheat multigrain bread or whole wheat paratha in olive oil with eggs or any gravy one likes but in olive oil. Anything done in olive oil gives you no heartburns or indigestion. Cup of yogurt with fruits of choice. Tea is the essential thing to have in the end that although has no nutritional value but it’s the most essential component of Sehri to satisfy the craving for whole day! – @mariamjavaidshah
A healthy serving of yogurt, granola and lots of water – @ibrahimnadeem_

While some prefer to place the emphasis on a protein heavy meal
I mostly stick to a protein heavy sehri, with a lot of eggs and any leftover gravy with some roti. -@mubarakbhai
Nihari is my favorite way to start the day! It has the perfect amount of protein, carbs and fat to keep you full. If not nihari, I prefer having eggs and toast. -@raheel786
Boiled eggs, a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of tea will keep you fuller for longer m though out the day will burn more calories metabolizing the proteins you had, in turn reducing the weight or at least keeping it constant or at least keeping it constant and not letting you put on more but only if you don’t eat the whole dasterkhwan at iftaar! that’s an issue – @einna.26

Others prefer to keep it light with fruit
Honestly I sleep through sehri half the time, but an easy way to fuel yourself throughout the day without feeling too full at sehri is by making a smoothie with frozen fruits and some form of dairy, It keeps you hydrated without weighing you down. – @maheenkazim
I have a glass of milkshake, which always has bananas and yogurt in it, because it keeps you full. Then I have a few dates, and a bunch of water and I’m good to go for the day – @almassheikh

Dairy will definitely keep you hydrated
Personally, I don’t have milk but I would recommend it. My mom always told that it keeps you hydrated throughout the day, so whether you have a heavy sehri or not, milk should be a part of it – @samrasal
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