6 Ways You Can Get Some Me-Time As The Mom Of A Toddler

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Balancing your role as a mother with everything else in life isn’t always easy and regardless of what society tells you, it’s okay to need some time for yourself to re-charge. But when your child is a toddler, it’s difficult to figure out how to get those few hours in the day to catch up on your nap, or squeeze in a mani pedi at the spa. That’s why we took the liberty of listing down the 6 things that will make it easier for you to get your me-time as a mom! Keep reading for some suggestions:

1. Play Dates

Play dates don’t have to be fun just for your little one, they can be fun for you too! Granted, it might be a little stressful if you’re the one arranging the playdate, but if it’s your turn to take a break and drop your child off to a friend’s for a few hours of fun, there’s no reason you can’t use that time to your advantage! Book an appointment at the spa and unwind for the next hour, or catch up on that book you’ve been meaning to continue reading. It might seem like a short period of time, but as a mother, I am sure you’ll appreciate those two hours of quiet. Plus, you’ll probably miss the chaos soon enough!

2. Join Local Support Groups For Mothers!

Maybe what you really need is a tight knitted community to remind you that you’re not alone when you lose sleep for the third night in a row. Being a mother is the most rewarding thing and sometimes, all it takes is a discussion with fellow mothers to remember that. The Mummy Club and Yummy Mummy are both support groups that exist online – and outside if needed – that will give you the support you need. The best part is, if ever you need a reliable babysitter or nanny for your child, these mothers have got you covered! Their experience is something you can cross-check with other members on the group and will make it a lot easier for you to get some time to yourself when needed.

3. Engage Your Child In ECA’s And Activities

Enrolling your child in activities is something they will thank you for! Lucky for you, there are also an abundance of them. You can enrol your child for an arts and crafts session at Activity Pitt by Amber and Reema or if you’re a member of gymkhana, maybe teddy tennis for some outdoor activity. The school or nursery your child is enrolled in will probably also have a list of after-school activities you can register them for. And while your child has a few hours of fun, you can meet your friends for a quick catch up over coffee!

4. Find Out If Your Workplace Has Daycare Facilities

This may not help with getting me-time but on some days, your baby/toddler might need to accompany you to work and instead of stressing over who will take care of your child when that happens, it might be worth a shot to see if your work has a system in place for such a scenario. Places like Unilever, Standard Charted, PSO and Engro all have daycare facilities and this way, you can check in with your child during your work day – always a plus!

5. External Day Care Facilities

Most nurseries function as a day-care and have experience, expertise and credibility, making them a good option if you need to getaway for a few hours to run an errand or finish some house chores. Nurseries like Kid N Co, Versitas V-Nest Daycare, Kinder Academy, Gymboree, Steps Preschool & Daycare – all have after-school daycare facilities set up. The best part about an option like this is that you will be provided with a thorough itinerary of what your child’s day will look like and so will be relatively stress free as you go about your day.

6. Sometimes The Best Me-Time Is With Your Child

If you’re someone that can’t stand to be away from your little one for too long, it’s okay – you’re not the only one! Just because you need some time to relax, doesn’t mean you can’t do it with your child there. Cozying up and reading a bedtime story to them, or having a fun arts and crafts session can be equally fulfilling for you too! Engage your child in activities that you enjoy yourself. If you’re someone that loves to bake, have them give you a helping hand or if you love to swim, take your child along (just remember to supervise them!). If you’re child is a little older, you could also learn an instrument together such as the piano through the fun classes offered by The Pianoistas!

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