In the busy and constantly moving world of today, it can be difficult to find a moment of peace to read a book and reflect. Poetry is a very beautiful way to experience the vastness of the moment. People tend to listen to music when they’re feeling down, having a rough day or having negative thoughts, but have you ever tried reading a poem and allowing yourself to ponder over it’s meaning? Or maybe you’re simply searching for poetry books for your coffee table. Either way – we’ve got you. Here are five poetry books you can lose yourself in for days you really need that quiet moment to yourself, and if not, they’ll make a nice addition to your table and collection!
Coming Home – Afshan Samee
Martha Beck Life Coach, Afshan Samee, brings about the poet in herself with her first ever poetry book Coming Home. This poetry book contains poems about discovering your inner self by going on your own spiritual journey. The biggest achievement in life is to feel comfortable in your own skin, knowing your strengths and vulnerabilities, and allowing yourself to have a positive outlook. This book sheds light on the great human experience and our relationship with one another, but most important of all, with ourselves.

The Strength In Our Scars – Bianca Sparacino
While the society teaches us that scars are something not to be proud of and shy away from, Bianca Sparacino, a writer from Canada teaches us the opposite. The poems in this book teach us to accept the scars we have and to stop living according to external expectations. You have the right to live by your own passions, hopes and dreams. You are your number one priority and you should own being the only unique person in this world

2am Thoughts – Makenzie Campbell
Many girls stay awake worrying about certain social situations in their lives. A majority of girls cry themselves to sleep and have thoughts of seeing themselves as worthless. Makenzie Campbell writes poems to inspire ourselves by our daily 2am thoughts. Campbell focuses on themes of self-acceptance and encourages readers to bring out the best in themselves.

For The Broken – Shenaia Lucas
This poetry book is divided into four chapters: “For The Healing”, ”For The Loving”, “For The Oppressed” and “For The Broken”. In each chapter, Shenaia encourages the power of positive thinking and psychology, and strives to teach the readers on how to accept their insecurities and flaws. We all have the power to see the positive in ourselves and to opt for the happy life.

Milk & Honey – Rupi Kaur
As women, we tend to find ourselves in vulnerable situations quite very often. Society has high expectations from us and often, we are trying to fulfil everyones expectations. The iconic Milk & Honey, written by Rupi Kaur is divided into four chapters. Each of the four chapters focus on various types of trauma and emotional pain girls go through. Feel the power of accepting your flaws and vulnerabilities, and give yourself the space to heal and love by reading this compilation of poems in “the hurting”, “the loving”,”the breaking” and “the healing”.

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