With Ramadan comes many things – praying, long nights, quality time with family and friends, and lots and lots of food. But for some people, fasting also means constipation because of a lack of fibre and water intake. If you’re currently going through this problem, scroll down to read through certain foods our followers recommend to relieve and avoid it:
‘Water, water and more water!’ – @emaanahmaddd
‘Lots of water’ – @henzing9
‘Drink plenty of water and eat green veggies’ – @swaleha_s
‘Drink warm water after 1 hour of iftaar. It averts you from feeling bloated’ – @klfarha.khan82
‘Drink water more’ – @just_a_calligraphy
‘Physillium husk in warm milk’ – @pun.mayhur
‘Warm milk helps’ – @dilawaiz_
‘Butter in warm milk. Sounds gross, but worth it!’ – @habhsn9
‘Warm glass of milk at night’ – @fatimahyasin_
‘Add half a teaspoon of desi ghee in a glass of milk and drink it’ – @samihaamer15
‘Mix one tablespoon of castor oil in a warm glass of milk and drink it’ – @mohaddessekhan

‘Drink coffee – it works right away’ – @theimankhan
‘Black coffee’ – @habhsn9
‘Have chai’ – @2021.fatima.t
‘Eat a pear before bed!’ – @3saba
‘With fruit!’ – @sarasabir61
‘Eating bananas’ – @areeba_khursheed12
‘Watermelon’ – @fariihaa.m
‘Eat some papaya’ – @ayesha.bilalahmed
‘Ispaghol’ – @stethsnglamour
‘Ispaghol with yogurt’ – @raahemasiddiqui
‘Ispaghol chilka with hot water or tea’ – @__this_is_life_8
‘Have ispaghol in water before going to bed’ – @sanawasay

‘Overnight soaked chia seeds’ – @not_my_circuss
‘A little bit of ajwain’ – @barehaha_kk
‘Flax seed in banana smoothie at sehri’ – @ambreenwithain
‘Chia seeds’ – @rameenzaibdurrani
‘Grind flaxseed and take one tablespoon daily with salad/shake/chaat/lunch.
Other Things
‘Prune juice’ – @shaharliaquat
‘The cereal wheatabix’ – @hasanhx01
‘Figs’ -@mahaskhan
‘Lilac syrup’ – @izzieeadi
‘Green chillies and cucumbers!’ – @nooray.h
General Tips
‘Avoid maida and have warm beverages over cold’ – @not_my_circuss
‘Avoid rice, red meats and fried food!’ – @safainwonderland
‘Drink more fluids + have more greens as they are rich in fibre and stimulate the intestines.’ – @sameenansarii
‘Avoid atta and bread’ – @zibacollectionx

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