We all deal with breakups differently, but one thing we’re all guilty of is shamelessly stalking our ex, or trying to at least. Whether it’s through our friend’s account or reaching another level of stalker and making a fake account, it’s almost inevitable. And God forbid we accidentally like something! But let’s be real, it’s not the healthiest way to move on. To make it easier for you, we broke down the best ways to break this risky habit!
Recognise The Problem And Address It
Hey, at least you’re not physically stalking them right? Well this is almost just as bad. The first step is recognising and accepting the fact that you know you should stop. To approach the next phase, you have to make a conscious effort to actually stop. The constant need to know what they’re doing can open doors to unhealthy comparisons, and a race to ‘who moves on first’ – everyone moves at their own pace, there’s no right or wrong. The faster you erase your ex’s existence (or at least stop keeping a check on it), the easier it will be for you to move on without external pressures.
Cut Off All Communication With Your Ex
Remove any and all temptations to talk to them, this will just hinder and prolong your progress without any benefit. Remove them from your social media accounts – that means everything; Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and any other platform you have them on. And of course, delete their number along with any old conversations / pictures that could cause you to spiral. It’s not worth it.

Take A Break From Social Media Post Breakup
Breakups can be exhausting and take a huge toll on your mental and emotional health. Detoxing from social media can be a rejuvenating experience to alleviate the process. This way you can avoid any unexpected virtual run-ins with your ex and can choose to reactivate your accounts when you’re in a better space and mindset. When it comes to your ex, ignorance is bliss.
Engage In Other Activities To Distract Yourself
Do what makes you happy. Think of activities that don’t involve your phone which you may not have participated in in a while. Painting, horse riding, sports, reading, cooking – whatever it is, start spending more time involving yourself in these interests. You can do these alone or share the enjoyment with friends or family who also share a similar interest, but occupying your time in more constructive ways is definitely beneficial and worthwhile.

Focus On YOURSELF – Not Them
Whether you ended it or they did, the point is it’s over. It’s not easy but it’s a process, and the faster you come to realise that this person was not meant for you, the better it is. Breakups allow you the perfect time to look back and evaluate yourself, as well as your past relationship; understanding areas you need to work on and grow from within yourself, while simultaneously having a better understanding of what you want and don’t want from your partner is important. Use this time to get to know yourself better before allowing someone else back in again – loving yourself should always come first!

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