How To Stay Motivated To Workout During Quarantine

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This lockdown seems to have been going on since forever now, which makes it easy to fall into a vortex of boredom and laziness. But don’t forget – this is the time when you really have to get those endorphins flowing! So, what can you do to stay motivated during a period where there isn’t a finish line in sight? Take a look at these simple, yet helpful tips to keep you motivated to move while you’re staying at home:

1. Schedule A Regular Workout Time:

One thing that may help tip the scales in the right direction, is exercising at the same time most days of the week – regardless of when that time is. A study published in the journal of Obesity (2019) showed that those consistent with their workout time logged more workouts and managed to not only lose weight, but also kept the weight off.

2. Virtual Accountability Partner:

Our workout buddies can no longer physically drag us to the gym or to our workout classes. But that shouldn’t stop you. Create a support system with your online friends and share exercise plans, goals, routines and achievements. They will motivate you to not slack off from your goals. You can also join local online workout groups such as Virtualetics , Dynamic duo, MUV, Studio X, and many more.

3. Get Creative With Your Workouts:

Have you been stuck in a creative rut when it comes to your workouts? Find creative ways to get your sweat on at home. Workout variety also challenges your body in unique ways. Go for a run around your neighbourhood, find a new workout challenge, practice your old hula-hooping skills. You can make anything into a workout if you use a little bit of your imagination!

4. Dress For Success

Order some cute workout clothes whilst supporting local businesses. We have some amazing brands creating workout apparel to die for. Check out Living Fit Apparel, Tuhura, Haraka and Koyo By Lulusar. With your favourite new gear, you’ll be looking forward to your workouts!

5. Create A New Playlist: 

Don’t feel like putting on your exercise clothes and working out? It’s time to crank up the music! Not only does music help boost your mood, but it improves the quality of your workout and increases your stamina too. Tip: Check out Spotify’s workout playlists – you won’t be able to stop moving!

6. Reward Yourself:

Worked out 4 times this week? Ditched those unnecessary carbs? It’s time to celebrate your small wins and reward yourself. Your reward system can be anything : A rest day, a cheat meal, new workout clothes. Don’t forget to treat yourself.

7. Write Down Your Goals:

What’s important here is to jot down realistic goals that include clear milestones. Whether that is losing 5 kgs, getting stronger, increasing your stamina or just moving more. Reading your list will keep you motivated and will help you stay on track to a healthier lifestyle.

8. Wear Your Workout Clothes When You Wake Up 

This is a total game changer. When you wake up in the morning, change into your comfortable workout gear. You are less likely to skip your workout if you’re dressed the part.  You’re more likely to squeeze in a quick 10 min workout session this way.

9. Use Technology To Your Advantage:

With a plethora of fitness-related technology on the market, there’s no excuse to slack off. Use technology to boost up your workout routine. You can measure your progress with the help of Fitbits, heart monitors and even your apple watch. You can also customise your own workouts by downloading apps such as Fitness blender, Downdog, Sworkit and many more.

10. Be Flexible

This is perhaps the most important tip we have for you. Don’t be too hard on yourself. If some days you aren’t feeling up to working out, that’s okay! Take it one day at a time. And don’t forget to enjoy your journey to a healthier, better you!

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