The Importance Of Nutrition For Children

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One of our followers, Rafia Sajid, happens to be a clinical nutritionist. Today, she’s informing us on why it’s so important for your child to have a healthy and balanced diet, as well as giving us a few tips on how to convince them to eat better. Scroll down to find out more:

Many parents often share common concerns with me regarding their child’s health and nutrition. Some of them are:

  1. Their child does not eat vegetables or homemade foods.
  2. He/she does not drink milk.
  3. What is the best food for healthy growth of a child?

A child’s health and nutrition is crucial; they need to be fed a healthy and balanced diet at least until they reach 11 years of age as this is the time their growth and development is taking place. Not fulfilling these nutritional requirements can have long lasting health related issues such as stunting, being under-weight etc.

The Nutrition To Add In Your Child’s Diet And Why

The diet of your child must include foods from healthy sources. Their diet should contain protein, calcium, whole grain foods and huge amounts of water. Protein will help break down food into energy which will be needed for proper growth and development of the body. Similarly, carbohydrates are the body’s most important source of energy. Make sure to give your child healthy carbs, as well as whole grain alternatives. Whole grain food consists of more fibre, protein and vitamins. Replacing your child’s white bread with whole grain bread and opting for cereals made with whole grain are a good way to start doing this. Cheerios for example actually has more fibre than other cereals on the market because of its whole grain content!

A child’s diet should provide sufficient energy intake for proper growth and development of the body. If your child feels weak, tired or least interested in playing it can be a sign that his/ her nutritional requirements are not being fulfilled. A good and balanced diet will also help your child in academics by allowing him to develop a sharp memory so that he can attain high marks. 

Convincing Your Child To Eat Homemade And Healthy Food

Eating homemade food instead of processed or fast food, is a great way to ensure that the food your child is eating is relatively more nutritious. However, this isn’t always an easy task. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Limit your own intake of junk foods.
  2. Do not give your child excess packaged foods.
  3. Cook at home and involve your child in cooking.
  4. Make the food look attractive and fun. Try using different food recipes and making the food look colourful – even something boring like vegetables can be made to look interesting! 
  5. Cut the foods in different shapes.
  6. Use at least 2 to 3 food groups when making a meal. 
  7. Eat food with them.
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