5 Ways To Brighten Up A Boring Bedroom Wall

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Everyone has that one spare wall in their room which is completely bare — no shelves, no paintings — not even a potted plant covering it! It stands out and drains the rest of the room of any energy. They say an overly busy room is distracting, but an empty wall can look just as jarring. If you’re putting off decorating it because you think it’ll be a major job, we’ve made it simpler for you.  All it takes are some tiny changes to make a drastic difference. Add some colours, lights, and a bit of your signature creativity to spruce up your space. Go through these five easy ways to jazz up a dull wall!

1. Dainty Floral Decals

Our love for florals is never-ending. If you want to keep it minimal but striking, add dainty floral decals to a plain wall. They look extremely pretty and add a bit of brightness to the room too. They don’t necessarily need to be confined to your bedroom either — decals like these can be applied to big living spaces or dining rooms too. 

2. Polaroid Pictures

Polaroids are the perfect casual way to decorate a wall with great memories. They’ve got an artistic, vintage touch to them which lends the space some style. They’re also personal, so you’ll always feel a certain way when you look at them. To always keep your favourite people in front of you, put up all the polaroids you’ve got!  

3. Fancy Fairy Lights

A bit obvious, but nothing adds more festivity and glow to your room than pretty fairy lights. Put them on your wall with some pictures, or get creative and hang them in an inventive way. We’ve seen people spell out words and phrases with them on their walls as well! 

4. Wallpapers

The most popular wall décor idea is wallpaper. If you don’t want to go out of your way to put something together for your wall, then stick with patterned wallpaper. Whether it’s plain and pastel, or bright and bold, wallpapers are the perfect subtle touch, bringing life to even the dullest rooms. 

5. Glow In The Dark Decals

Make your room sparkle with glow in the dark decals! These striking features look beautiful and lend a fantasyland like quality to your space. Their soft, luminous light also helps to create a super relaxing atmosphere. What’s not to love?

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