This Recent Grad Is Giving Us The Ultimate Graduation Goals

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Women empowerment has quickly become a very trendy buzzword but there are still many people who cannot grasp what it means. There are still many people out there who let their daughters study, but decide the subjects and profession themselves. Letting girls go to university trips, but then restricting them when they ask for more liberation or letting girls study but just for the sake of a good rishta – these are still realities in our society that need to be addressed. And one such recent grad did!  

Mehreen Fatima, a recent graduate and social media influencer, wondered why certain events in a woman’s life – such as baby showers, bridal showers and engagements – are celebrated with such enthusiasm but others – such as your graduation – are not.

“Isn’t our education, graduation, skills, intellectual growth and professional goals equally important as our marital and relationship goals? Why isn’t there a balance valuing our emotional, intelligence and spiritual growth?’’

She believe we aren’t doing enough to show young girls that there is more than one path. Instead of purely emphasising marriage or children as fulfilment, we should also emphasise career satisfaction and fulfilment. She says, “There are other ways too! Being a young educated intellect, a businesswoman, a young female entrepreneur, a boss lady, a dreamer or a traveler are all ways to lead a happy and fulfilled life.

To further prove this point, she recently arranged a fairytale-themed graduation shoot, #FayGradGoals, to give importance to her educational goals and to show young girls they are free in making their own goals and smashing them! Take a look at the shoot below.

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