Free Online Courses That You Can Take During Your COVID-19 Quarantine

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We’ve all been engaging in various activities in order to pass our time during quarantine. For some that has meant having constant houseparty calls with friends, while for others it means binge watching netflix. But if at this point, it’s all starting to feel like a routine that is getting mundane, we might have just the solution for you! During this time, a lot of websites and businesses have decided to offer their online courses for free, giving you the chance to learn that skill you’ve always been meaning to but hadn’t had the time to do so before. Scroll down to read about all the different types of things you can do during your isolation period – you’ll find there’s so much learning you can do from the comfort of your home!

1. Tech Courses

With most of us spending majority of our days on apps like Instagram, it’s no wonder that tech is growing to become one of the most successful, innovative and sought after industries. If you’re someone that is interested in aspects of product and design when it comes to tech, or even sales and operations – School16 is just the place that will help you do that. From April 1st, they have started to offer live, remote classes for free for anyone who wants to learn more about careers in tech during this period. Every session is taught by leaders in successful startups as well as large tech firms, such as slack or google. You can learn all about what’s currently in high demand in tech, what role might be the best fit for you, what skills you need and more! All you have to do is sign up.

Click here to sign up for these classes in tech!

2. Coding Courses

Coding is a great skill to add to your resume because of a variety of reasons. It opens up more avenues and opportunities for you in terms of careers as there is a high demand for developers who understand both, front-end and back-end languages. The option to freelance is available with this skill, but you can also find ways to incorporate what you learn in your current career. It can help you bring your project to life according to your vision – something that can be lost in translation when you try to explain it to a developer. If you’ve always wanted to explore coding but didn’t have the time or resources, the Stanford CS department is offering a free coding course as a one time offer during the COVID-19 crisis. This happens to be one of their most popular courses and no prior programming knowledge is required to take it. It runs for 5 weeks from April 13th to May 22nd, and the last date to apply is April 8th so you better apply fast! Alternatively, if you’re looking to learn how to code and create video games, game development company, Unity is offering unity learn premium for free for 3 months. One of the classes they teach is their Create with Code Live class where you can learn how to use the C# programming language to develop games.

Click here to sign up for Stanford’s coding course and here to sign up for Unity’s.

3. Epidemiology Courses To Teach You More About The COVID-19 Crisis

This pandemic has changed all of our lives and while some of us may be content with not knowing the details of the medicine behind it, others may want to learn and understand more about the infection itself. For this reason, the renowned university for medicine, John Hopkins, has created a course specifically for the more curious minds. It’s a 5 hour course that aims to explore the science behind questions such as how infections are identified and measured, how infectious is the virus, and what can be done to combat it. If you want to know all the facts about this virus – this is the course for you!

Click here to sign up to this course!

4. Mathematic And Data Science Courses

Need to level up on your math skills? Even if you’re someone that is currently studying or working in the field of math, data science or machine learning, it might be worth using this spare time to brush up on your knowledge, and maybe even expand it further. Mathematics For Machine Learning allows you to do just that, alongside Probability and Statistics. Find the course that best meets your needs and explore websites such as coursera and edx further in order to come across even more specific and diverse math courses that you can take for free right now!

Click here to sign up for the course in Mathematics For Machine Learning, and here for Probability And Statistics.

5. Courses That Will Help Build Your Business

This can be a difficult period to get through if you own a startup or a small-scale business, but why not use this time to learn how you can further expand your company or brand? The Huddle normally offers professional retreats for female business owners that will allow them to build on their business strategies through a holistic understanding of it. During the COVID-19 crisis though, they’ve decided to provide virtual free workshops for women to give them a similar experience. Some of the workshops they have already conducted (but are still available on their website) are on topics such as How to Find Your Focus in Business and Get Clarity, How to Adjust Your Content Marketing During COVID-19 and How to Position and Pivot as a Business Owner. A lot of their courses also revolve around aspects of self-care as they believe wellness is an important component to run a successful business. Another option can be the course offered by Coursera on Successful Career Development that will help you to advance in your current field.

Click here to sign up for the course by The Huddle, and here for the course on Successful Career Developments.

6. Literature Courses

Are you a literature buff who can’t get enough of Shakespeare? Or someone who wants to explore new poetry through studying about it? Either way, Harvard University is offering a range of courses through EDX that will hopefully satisfy the reader within you. From a range of courses revolving Shakespeare such as Shakespeare’s Life and Work and more character analysis courses such as those within Shakespeare’s Outsiders , to courses exploring modernism poetry in America and after the civil war – there is hopefully something for everyone! However, if you are more interested in a course that will teach you practical skills such as learning how to be a better writer, Future Learn has a free course that will help you in bettering your fictional writing skills.

Click here to sign up for the course on Shakespeare’s Life And Work, here for Shakespeare’s Outsiders, here for modernism poetry in America and here for the course on writing fiction.

7. Cooking Courses

Almost all of us have suddenly become home chefs during this period with all the new recipes we have been trying, but if you want to really learn about techniques and finesse, why not take an online course that could teach you that and more? Kitchn’s Cooking School provides a course of 20 days that will teach you all the basics from knife skills, to cooking seafood and how to braise, boil and sear – they even give you homework. Or, really learn how to cook with Rouxbe – an online culinary school with courses from renowned chefs and educators. The school itself might not be free, but they do have a free trial period of 30 days going on which is perfect for this month of quarantine. They have courses ranging from a detailed guide on cooking premium steaks, as well as everything you need to know about food safety. Alternatively, if you’re interested in the science of cooking, enrol yourself for this course provided by Harvard University that aims to make you understand the chemical and physical principles of everyday and haute cuisine cooking.

Click here to sign up for Kitchn’s Cooking School and here for Rouxbe. 

8. Creative Courses

If these courses aren’t for you and you’re more interested in photography, illustration, music or marketing – don’t worry, there’s so much for you to learn as well! Skillshare is offering a two month free trial period for ALL of their courses, and trust us, there’s a lot on there. You can learn all about photo editing, video editing with Adobe Premier Pro, animation, how to play the piano in 30 days and even how to market your social media profile! There is so much you can explore and so many new skills you can pick up. If you’re keen to pick up a new instrument, Fender is another great place to benefit from during this period. They are offering their courses for free for 3 months and their lessons include reading music, playing songs and exercises for acoustic guitar, electric bass guitar, and ukulele, with customised tracks for music genre preference.

Click here to access the different courses available at Skillshare. 

9. A Course To Increase Your Self Awareness

This is an uncertain and anxious time for many of us, but it’s also a time that if we have the luxury to do so, we can use to further understand ourselves and the world around us. That’s what Yale is offering by making one of their most popular classes, the science of happiness, free and available online. This course aims to help us explore the feeling of happiness and to build habits that are productive and can allow us to flourish and be content. It’s exactly the kind of self reflective course in psychological science we all could use right now!

Click here to sign up to the science of happiness.

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