Planning a wedding is never easy but during COVID, the stress is even more so. If you’re worried about how to ensure your events are safe and COVID friendly, look no further than the suggestions our lovely followers have sent in! Happy wedding planning!
Only Invite The People That Matter
‘Keep it as small as possible by following all the SOPs’ – @mahnoorkhax
‘Just invite the special people of your life’ – @fatimach23_99
‘Very limited amount of guests’ – @kainatnaeem
‘Shrink the guest list’ – @sameenansarii
‘Keep only family for Nikkah and then do a bigger function when COVID is over’ – @khadi_xox
Avoid A Buffet
‘Serve food on the table rather than a buffet to avoid too many people in one area’ – @zaraaliahmed
‘Drop the idea of a buffet. Serve food on individual tables instead.’ – @nawaalqureshi
‘Arrange a hi-tea setup i.e. give away boxes as your guests are leaving the event.’ – @saimafaraz12

Keep It Outdoors
‘Outdoor + spaced out tables + seated dinner’ – @thexpatwife
‘A big space so that people and tables are spaced out’ – @batooosyd
‘Avoid closed spaces. Try to plan the event in the open – this is one way to avoid infection.’ – @isha1592
Have The Basics At Hand
‘Keep extra masks and sanitisers’ – @zainab.naqvii
‘Follow proper SOPS. Wear a mask, keep a distance and keep a sanitiser with you.’ – @vernain.23
‘Mask needs to be mandatory. And every nook and cranny needs to be sanitised.’ – @makeoverby_sapphire
‘Hand sanitisers on each and every table’ – @nimopani

Other Suggestions
‘All attendees must take a covid test and have negative results 24 hours before wedding.’ – @sadafia.h
‘Cute drive thru with amazing, useful and personalised giveaways’ – @abeeha_o
‘Have guests over via zoom’ – @codegreenpk
‘Don’t force or encourage vulnerable groups to attend your wedding’ – @sadafia.h

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