If you’re a mother to-be, congratulations! Starting this journey is so special, but the morning sickness that accompanies it? Not so much. But don’t worry, while it differs for everyone, it’s extremely common especially between your 6th and 10th week. If you’re looking for helpful tips on how to ease the sickness, scroll down to read what our followers suggested:
Get Some Movement In
‘Walking out in the fresh air for about 15-30 mins. If not walk, just sit and hear the birds.’ – @fatimaahansari
‘I do yoga for morning sickness’ – @menstrualtalk
‘Always be active, drink warm water, do exercise and eat healthy’ – @maidabutt4
‘A nice shower, cup of warm lemon water and morning stretches’ – @aruj_janjua
‘Immediately stand up and start walking’ – @architect_abdulahad

Make sure you’re following instructions of a professional when exercising while pregnant.
‘Ginger tablets’ – @sumaiyaasif_
‘Ginger cookies or ginger tea. It calms the stomach’ – @laddukimama
‘Have ginger tea’ – @chefshazia.noor
‘Ginger ale!’ – @meyryeim

Eat Something Dry
Keep biscuits/crackers at the bedside. Chew one as soon as you wake up and keep lying for 15 minutes till it sets in’ – @rafiajavedcheema
‘Have anything dry…like crackers, rusk etc’ – @popatinc
‘Crackers’ – @yummnaahmed
‘Whenever you wake up, keep some snacks in your reach and try some cracker biscuits etc and then get up’ – @aksamansha
‘Have some crackers on bed when still in bed. Don’t get up from bed on an empty stomach. This helps’ – @shazfahussain

‘I’m 6 months pregnant and for me lemonade with light salt is working’ – @sanna_zahid
‘And try having lemon it works for me and even only having ice cubes – it helps me with a heartburn’ – @@mehreen.sbaluch
‘Use lemon’ – @hina_javed_163
‘Limun pani’- @ahmedmaha321

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