How To Manage Your Child’s Screen Time

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With advancement in technology and innovation in electronics and gadgets every other day, children are becoming glued to screens and outdoor activities seem daunting to them. A lot of screen time is becoming a health hazard which needs to be controlled soon and collective effort is required. Well, we cannot fully blame kids for this behavior. It is imperative for parents to devote a great deal of time and energy to children, engage in activities that will make them inquisitive and allow them to explore their surroundings. Outdoor activities will improve their motor skills, focus on their health, and make their muscle strength better. 

Spend Extra Time With The Kids (If Possible!)

One thing that kids crave is attention, and if not given to them, they take alternative routes. They start finding fun in other activities like online racing games, cooking games and so on. By playing fun games with your kids and engaging them in various activities, you will probably succeed in distracting them from their screens!

Outdoor Activities

Encourage them to play outside. You can even set a tine for their daily outdoor activities whether that be running, jumping, limbo, soccer or even swimming! This will help build stamina, create a healthy competitive environment between kids, build their muscles, improve flexibility, instil in them love for nature, and strengthen their vision.

Board Games

Even though most popular board games are available online, such as Ludo or Monopoly, it is still good to experience how they were originally played. Scrabble especially should be played traditionally – the online version has nothing on the OG! Plus, it makes for a great bonding experience with your child. 

Set Device Limits

Advancement in technology is not without its benefits – phones and tablets now show how much screen time you are doing on average. This can help in managing the screen time in an easy way, as parents can monitor the time spent on screens and can also set limits on it. Tech-free zones can also be established within homes where no one should be allowed to use these gadgets (including the parents!).

Track Your Own Screen Time As Well

Kids learn what you do so be careful about your words and actions in front of them. If they see you using mobile phones and watching seasons excessively, they may take you as being unjust with them. Therefore, it’s better if you try to reduce your own screen time as well so that your behavior proves to be a positive influence. 

Communication Is Key

Instead of ordering your kids not to use their gadgets, it is better to have a conversation with them; justify your point so they can differentiate between the good and bad, and determine what is beneficial for them. It is always better to be open and honest, and explain to them why screens and its rays are bad for health, mind, and vision.

Build A Routine

Discipline is essential for kids. Try helping them set a routine, at least for weekdays where they have a proper schedule for various activities. Days and timings can be divided for study, activities like painting, water fun, cycling, racing, movie nights, and cooking. But it’s okay to take it one step at a time. Maybe start with simply developing small habits – for example, no gadgets after 6pm. 

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