Word Of Mash: Tips To Make Your Nail Polish Dry Faster

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Putting on nail polish often seems like a task because of how long one has to wait in order for it to dry – it really does require most of us to put our life on pause for a few minutes! But luckily, our followers poured in their suggestions on how we can get our nail polish to dry faster for the days you just can’t wait:

Soak Your Fingers In Cold Water

‘Put your fingers in ice cold water for some time’ – @aysal_art_n_kitchen

‘After applying nail polish, dip your hands in cold water. It is a very effective way to dry nail polish’ – @mehakbring

‘Dip your nails in cold water’ – @sunaya_amrin

‘Right after applying it, put your hand under cold water. It’ll dry in seconds – works like magic!’ – @muneeba_mirza

Use A Dryer

‘With the help of a dryer’ – @raniamalik2710

‘Use hair dryer’ – @sarah_saeed35

‘There’s a nail polish drying fan sort of device! It helps.’ – @farrylicious

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