Word Of Mash: Budgeting Tips

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We are all guilty of spending a little more than we should. But it’s different when it’s a one time splurge and when it’s a habit. If you’re someone that just can’t figure out how to minimise your spending, you’re in luck! We asked all of you what your best budgeting tips are – scroll down to read what our followers had to say!

Prioritise According To Your Needs

If there’s one thing that will help all of us save some money, it’s realising what we REALLY need. Make a list according to priority and try weighing the pros and cons of buying the item – will you really be using it that much? If not, you’re better off saving your money buying something more practical for you. This tip by our followers is one we definitely recommend!

‘Buy products that you’re actually going to use!’ – @wandering.soul.101

‘Just divide your money in three parts…one for daily use one for shopping and third one for savings’ – @zimalkhan4000

‘Make a list and stick by it’ – @cakebatterandrainbowsprinkles

‘Don’t go shopping unless you actually NEED something’ -@its_unnaa

‘Buy what you need not what you want!’ – @beena.a.khan

Invest In Good Quality Items

The other key tip that our followers sent in is investing smartly. Buy items that are durable and will last you longer instead of buying cheaper things that you constantly have to replace. This will save you money in the long run!

‘Purchase a capsule collection and things that you know you can wear and re wear’ – @sbahmed313

‘Buy products that have good quality and will actually last you. No point spending money on something that you’re going to throw away soon.’ – @manahilrana

‘Invest in kitty’ – @mahyngul

Buy During Sales

And of course, the obvious answer – buy during sales! There’s no better way to save some bucks than buying something you’ve been eyeing for a while on a discount!

‘Save some pennies every month and spend when sale season comes.’ – @kiran_bhatti_402

‘Use the sales to buy big items such as kitchen tools, appliances or furniture.’ – @sbahmed313

‘Always save something for the sale days.’ – @ahmedjareer970

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