5 Guidelines For Ramadan To Help You Make The Most Of It

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Ramadan Mubarak! With unprecedented changes happening due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Muslims around the world have been waiting eagerly for the comfort and security that comes with this month. Ramadan this year will be different from the kind we are used to. There will be no prayers in the mosques, hosting of iftar get-togethers or any of the other social Ramadan traditions we are used to. However, this Ramadan presents us with a unique opportunity to self reflect. Self-isolation can allow us to refocus on the most vital element of the divine month – our spirituality. To help guide you, one of our followers, Hira Hyder, sent in what she thinks are the 5 things we must keep in mind when entering this month:

1. Have Focused Intentions

It has become a norm to share our emotions, happiness, sorrows and experiences on social media. Although that is solely every individual’s personal choice, it is important to be sure that the good deeds and spiritual acts you do this month are not simply for sharing on social media. Keep your intentions focused. Desire praise for your actions solely from the Almighty and not from people.

2. Don’t Compete With Others

Keep a close watch out for your ‘pride’ meter’s activity. The moment the thought, “Look at all the good deeds and spiritual acts I am performing in comparison to everyone else!” crosses your mind, you know you need to immediately pull the brakes. The only person you are in competition with when it comes to faith and spirituality is your own self. You can never be too sure which of your efforts were wholly accepted by Allah, so try to stay humble.

3. Encourage The Efforts People Are Making

Humanise yourself and leave the judging to Allah. If those who you saw not being the best version of themselves throughout the year are now striving to better themselves during the holy month of Ramadan, do not shove them off the straight path with negative or taunting comments. Take their hand tenderly and walk alongside them on the path of spirituality; encourage their efforts.

4. Set A Plan

Islam is a way of life. It provides guidelines which make life peaceful and fulfilling. It is our weak conscience, bad habits and sins which cause us physical and spiritual discomfort. This Ramadan, identify, reflect and set a game plan to eradicate a bad habit of yours. May it be cussing, back-biting, lashing out in anger or irregular prayers – pick one to work towards getting rid of for good!

5. Don’t Restrict Ramadan’s Blessings To The Last 10 Days:

Ramadan is the month where Allah has granted us Laylatul-Qadar, the divine invitation to change our destiny through prayer. But that does not mean that all of our efforts to make our wishes come true should restrictedly be focused on the last 10 nights of Ramadan. We have an entire month to revive our connection with Allah and ask Him for all that we desire in both, this world and the hereafter. Let’s make the most of it. 

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