For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Nargis: single, middle-aged (a woman never reveals her age), and looking to have the best time around town. My best friend is Tina who I have been stuck with since our primary days – she might be featuring in a lot of my adventures, so might as well introduce her now (plus, I know she’s dying for a shoutout). My friends and family are constantly bugging me to share my ideas and opinions – naturally who else will give such great advice? So I thought what better time to start giving back to my community than right now. Today I am going to tell you about my first time going snorkelling:
Since last time I cried about my trip to Dubai, I thought why not tell you about more memorable moments I’ve had during my travels. Some time ago I was on vacation in Malaysia, on an island called Tioman Island. Such kahoon toh I wanted to go for my own peace and quiet, but not surprisingly Tina and my kitty party were dying to tag along – and you know me, I can’t be rude so of course I invited them along!
I must tell you, the Island was just simply gorgeous! I almost immediately forgot I had the whole girl gang right behind me. As soon as we checked into the resort these aunties decided to nap while I took out a nice book and soaked in the sun. Our days went by with the most mazaydaar food at the local restaurants and then by the beach obviously. Except for one day when Tina decided to get adventurous and signed us all up for snorkelling. Half the ladies wanted to kill her but then we thought why not, something new to try – can’t snorkel at french beach after all! And let me tell you, it was a sight. The only downside was that Tina’s chatting wouldn’t stop. I am telling you, our tour guide was ready to drown either her or himself, bechara. Anyway, he made sure Tina was the first to jump in, anything to stop her from rambling on and on, while the Spice Girls behind me were equally just as happy someone else was testing out the water for them. Naturally I went in next so the others could follow me in, these women – too many nakhras these days, but I am a natural leader so I didn’t mind.
Imagine this: six pakistani ladies, doused in sunscreen, wearing goggles, life jackets and gear, thrown into the middle of the ocean. Some trying to avoid the sun, the others insisting they’re drowning and Tina chatting up the poor fish. But as soon as we dunked our heads in, everything stopped. It was out of this dunya. All of a sudden I couldn’t hear Tina, I was in another world – finally some sukoon! Documentaries aur little mermaid deykh deykh kar seeing the ocean in real life couldn’t compare! Itney fish, sea urchins, coral reefs, everything you could imagine and more, it was a memory I’ll never forget. This trip was the perfect getaway with my girls, already planning our next trip!

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