Unilever – A Champion For Women’s Rights In The Workplace

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Through the years, Unilever has been known for having a stellar reputation when it comes to empowering women. Recently, their efforts were also acknowledged by the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OICCI). To learn more, keep reading!

A Lack Of Work Opportunities And Benefits Provided To Women In Pakistan

According to statistics, only 25% of women in Pakistan are working women. The low female labour force participation represents a major loss of potential productivity in the country as women are either forced to stay home or work minimum wage jobs. Most women quit after getting married or having children, as they are expected to stay home and look after their family.

The study also shows that many women in Pakistan have said they would like to work, or continue working, if given the opportunity. Several factors prevent women from working and leaving their homes, some of which include:

  • Transport Services
  • Social Issues
  • Safety And Crime
  • Cultural And Religious Norms

 A Champion For Women 

Unilever is working to change the workplace environment in Pakistan. They have worked on several social issues that focus on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The multinational company firmly believes that women are the architects of society, and that they help shape, mould, and raise future leaders of tomorrow. Unilever strives to end patriarchy and toxicity in the workplace, by providing men and women equal opportunities so that they become essential resources to achieve sustainable development in a global world.

Over the years, Unilever has advocated for the rights of women (and men) and has been involved in numerous projects and workshops aimed at addressing gender inclusion including trans-inclusion and combating unconscious bias, drafting supportive Maternity and paternity leave policies and day care support, awareness on Domestic violence through its global domestic violence policy and a campaign in  partnership with the Ministry of Human Rights On Domestic Violence Helpline with Lifebuoy Shampoo.

Unilever Awarded the OICCI Women Empowerment Award 2021

As an acknowledgement of Unilever’s relentless work, they were named Champion of 2021 at the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OICCI) Women Empowerment Award for their efforts to create a sound platform for professional women that provides them with equal employment opportunities and a congenial working environment.

The OICCI members, comprising top 200 foreign investors, focus on providing a safe environment for women to thrive both personally and professionally.

The OICCI Women Empowerment project was initiated in 2017 and since then has helped thousands of women find their voice, achieve their dreams, and tackle problems in a patriarchal society.

Deputy Governor State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), Sima Kamil, praised the efforts of the OICCI and Unilever for providing women with great opportunities, and a platform that justly addresses their concerns.

Special guests included the Political Counsellor at British High Commission, Iona Thomas; European Union Ambassador to Pakistan, Androulla Kaminara; and Executive Vice President Unilever, Annemarieke de Haan.

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